How long have you been around in the community?
I found in 2020 and would be around when developed and launched publicly in 2021. After a two-year long absence, I have quietly returned on the forums and hope to revisit the other MPP communities this Christmas.
Share your story below!
Got to MPP in december 2018 and joined the forums 27 days ago
@Karol I came across a couple years ago, meeting my very good friend JDP_Random along the way. It wasn’t until maybe a couple months later, we were introduced to the forums, and I’ve been apart of this wonderful community ever since :)
how many?
just… years -
3 years
been on mpp since April 07 2020
@Karol made my account back when i was an pianorhythm user and that was like 6 or 7 years ago and i wanted to prove how much better pianorhythm was than this site so like back in 2016-17 and then i started using this site like 2 years ago back pianorhythm died :[
Since April 1st of this year!
@Karol a w h i l e
ecnis reve ytinummoc lufrednow siht fo trapa neeb ev’I dna ,smurof eht ot decudortni erew ew ,retal shtnom elpuoc a ebyam litnu t’nsaw tI .yaw eht gnola modnaR_PDJ@ dneirf doog yrev ym gniteem ,oga sraey elpuoc a ten.onaipreyalpitlum ssorca emac I loraK@
@Karol for at least 2-3 years now laws and izzy showed me the forums and they joined around my bday
@Eestimous Wow, welcome!
Shazz_ Nice!
@Sen That’s a long time, nice to meet you!
@finneass Amazing!
@lmonade Hey that’s around the same time I first joined! My name was ➕(no name)➕ until I adapted “Karol” at Christmas in 2020.
Cameron Oh ho, another longtime user, cool! Nice too meet you too!
Cursed Cucumber Ho ho, nice. Welcome!
kitkatgirlie Definitely know the feeling.
Shizz_ Yes, this is a wonderful community.
@Angel-Dust Oh, interesting. -
@Karol ive been around since 2021 or 2020
@Karol maybe earlier
kitkatgirlie I have been around since early 2020.
ohhh fuck i dont know
7 to 8 years by now most likely
i started going on mpp since i was like 8???