If we were to make an MPP/MPPC biography about all of the relevant people in those communities...
Who would be the top… let’s say 20 - 25 people
and you have to include me because i said so
Inkfish 72 the mods would
Inkfish 72 and maybe me :P
me obviously
the entire discord really Flandre, A38, Bandit ,Cucumber, Error, Thetruepath, MrTree, Duchess
Inkfish 72 No. 1 would obviously be Sen
And no I’m not being biased just because she’s my girlfriend -
Toast sounds reasonable
- Presto
- Duchess
- You
- KitKat
- Myself
- Sen
- Shazz
Idk alot
@Whited-Out-Femboy-Collector #4 😎
Me ‼️😜
Inkfish 72 theres not enough people on my list for that
because all i would say is @SM9118ArtStudio
I’m not being biased either about her being my girlfriendbut because she literally changed my life
Goofbread🍌😸 sure doesn’t sound like bias whatsoever
me of course, James, Nitsua(Austin) Presto, A38 & MGC and Roxas
and no im not including you
Does nobody remember I caused war crimes
and am still herewaiting to cause more war crimes -
Goofbread🍌😸 the war crimes of 21-22 she must be included
Im a fr memory for some people Who used to be here
I used to be Blank, Crayola, and YLNBK
i have to be there, im the legendary one and only welma
@something-funny darn you
me ofc