With online people, I make them pretty quickly
With people in real life, it really takes time for me to classify somebody as a friend, it takes a few weeks to a few months -
In terms of online - takes alot for us to get to know each other.
In terms of real life - same thing.
I observe people I see interest in before interacting with them. If they’re a person I would get along with, I wait for a natural event to happen where I can interact with them with assistance. I’m an ambivert, not entirely social, but sometimes I get courage. And the time I try to force interaction, it gets awkward.
It’s easy to become friends with me as long as I see you from a good perspective. I’m caring and sweet if you meet me in person.
I’m a meditator, one of the most caring, friendly, and outgoing personalities ever. It may not seem like it on this site, but I am.
Edit: I usually check their zodiac. It tells me about the person. I know it sounds cheesy, but it helps me find people I’m friends with and who I’m not friends with (for the most part). A week ago, I followed what I described. I made a new friend (IRL
It’s time to take a one-year break from making more IRL friends. Haha.
@Duchess 50/50
Online it’s pretty easy for me because there’s always conversation points and starters with no awkward silences or anything. That’s what gets me in person.
In person I think I am good at keeping long-term friends, most of mine I’ve known for at least 2 years or more. One of them since before preschool. But I’m just really bad at starting conversations so it’s harder -
@A38 Yeah, I feel that way irl as well. I dont have any irl friends, so. There’s that.
@Michi4959 Yeah, I agree. It takes a while to really get to know someone. Although it is easier to talk to people online since you can message them at any time instead of wait to see them irl. And not everyone irl is willing to give their contact so fast so lol
Goofbread🍌😸 I like to observe people too.
Cursed Cucumber I agree. The awkwardness is kind of hard to get past.
no words at all
Online = kind of hard
Real life = impossible unless it’s someone I know really well from years or is someone important to me -
@Duchess online: pretty easy
irl: i only have one non-related friend so that speaks for itself T-T Sobs in no communication skills -
@Duchess Pretty easy. Because of my intense loneliness I’ve gained the ability to be what people want in the moment, and switch personalities. But then once I come out my comfort zone, they eventually leave me. So that’s nice.
I’m great at reading people and avoiding conflict, keeping myself to seem as innocent and kind as possible. I know exactly what to say, how to say it, and my lack of social anxiety really makes it all the more easy.
irl I would say in the first day
But on here…☝️☝️ 🚫🚫 -
@Hexers-Angel That is kind of scary. Would you sayd it’s hard to just be yourself?
@Duchess scary? Clever rather. And no, with people I trust, I can be myself. With people with whom I “trust” I can be whoever they like until our interactions are over.
@Hexers-Angel Well it is definitely clever indeed.
@Duchess i forgot it was monday i thought it was wednesday.
@Duchess making frienda CAN sometimes be easy but like if someone you are friends with are acting like they dk you, they aren’t real friends. REAL friends would include you in everything and i mean EVVVVERYTHING. And they would NOT Leave you alone. Some friends don’t be like real friends bc they either
dont like u
they got something they rlly wanted and left u
just never told u they left uREAL friends actually would tell you. Idk, it’s a medium making friends.
@Duchess Kind of is easy. Depends on the person. Though, you have to be careful with the company you have around. People like it when you’re nice and good to them, and that’s how I befriend people lol.
IRL/Classroom: Someone else does the talking and we talk regularly, otherwise I will just be quiet.
Online: It usually happens if I regularly interact with them. A few times, I’ve been a fan of their work and would have considered them a “friend” at the first interaction. -
easily, i just don’t like people so i avoid social situations lmao.
Quite honestly, it depends! I tend to find myself socialize with people of similar interests, and it doesn’t take that long before I would consider them as a friend. In terms of real life or virtual, I just happen to be more social on the internet.