guys [Serious]
if anybody has discord and can take screenshots, please shoot a dm. im trying to contact my husband and tell him to get over to mppc (so we can dm eachother) but im grounded indefinite and this school laptop im using blocked discord.
his name’s goatku btw.
Rēsh-1 im only coming back because i feel like it and fuck my school
Rēsh-1 Wait like really married?.. HUH??
Sphinx nickname. we’re in long dist relationship (hes in the UAE)
Rēsh-1 Oh- Okay HAha
Thatt’s cute though, I don’t have discord though… Sorry…
Sphinx FUCKK oki, thank you tho
@Floorple-Glip i uh pulls out a multiversal translator and points it at you
Rēsh-1 bibble
@Floorple-Glip FUCK
Rēsh-1 :(
Rēsh-1 pls